Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

North Pole and South Pole
Koala Bears and Pandas
Mammals and Marsupials
Fruits and Vegetables
Binary and Ascii
Home School and Public School
Hardwood and Softwood
Annual Plants and Perennial Plants
Stalin and Lenin
Apples and Oranges
Renting vs Home Ownership
George to George W: Bush to Bush
Ale and Beer
Eagles and Hawks
Comedy and Drama
Unicorns and Pegasus
Greek Gods and Roman Gods
Tap Water and Bottled Water
Butter and Margarine
Country music and Rap
Arranged Marriage and Love Marriage
Online Instrucction and Classroom Instruction
Eating Out vs Cooking
Cats and Dogs
Religion and Atheism
College and High School
Wine and Beer
Moths and Butterflies
Crocodiles and Alligators